The school office is open from 8.30am until 3:45pm.
If your child is absent from school for any reason please contact the office on 023 9259 3453 by 9am. Alternatively, you can also use ParentMail to record your child’s absence.
If your child is late into school and the class doors are closed, whatever the reason, please make sure they come to the school office to be signed in.
Holidays During Term Time
Due to legislation, Headteachers are unable to authorise holidays taken during term time. Absence for exceptional circumstances only will be authorised. To safeguard our children we need to know when and why they are not in school and are pleased to have open, honest and supportive discussions with parents about attendance.
School Uniform
The school keeps stock of school uniform on site. Parents can purchase school uniform online through the Arbor facility please click here. Uniform is then delivered directly to your child in school.
Items available to purchase via online payment system from school:
- Sweatshirts & Cardigans (Red with logo) £11.00
- Polo T-Shirts (Red with logo) £7.50 *
- PE Shorts (Red NO logo) £4.50 **
- Book Bag (Red with logo) £4.00
* Our red logo Polo T-shirts are mostly worn by boys, we find girls much prefer the plain white or red polo t-shirts that can be purchased from any clothes shop.
** We offer red PE shorts as parents have advised us in the past that these are not easy to purchase from a shop. This is a ‘one size fits all’ item (we have gone for the suppliers age 5/6 item) and does have a drawstring within the elastic waist band.
Other Items your child will need in September:
- Warm Waterproof Coat (any style/colour from home that they will recognise as their own)
- Polo T-Shirts – White or Red (if you have not purchased the logo one from school)
- Trousers / Skirt / Pinafore Dress – Grey
- School Shoes – Black
- Socks or Tights – White/Grey/Red
- Draw String PE Bag (any from home that they will recognise as their own and not a rucksack as they don’t fit on their pegs properly)
- White Round Neck T-shirt (for PE)
- Trainers or Plimsolls (for PE, again any from home)
Please note that it is very important to label EVERY item as, with so with many items being alike, confusion often arises which can be quickly overcome if the item is clearly named, thank you!
Trip Money
All trips need to be paid for online using the Arbor facility, please click here.
We kindly ask all correspondence from parents comes in a sealed envelope clearly marked with your child’s name and class.