Identifying and assessing children with special educational needs (SEN)
How does the School know if my child needs extra help?
At Horndean Infant School we follow current legislative policies regarding special educational needs and our own school policy which is agreed by our governing body and reviewed annually.
We believe in early identification to inform us of any learning difficulty. Throughout the year, class teachers/ subject leaders and the senior leadership team closely monitor the progress of all children in the School against the National Curriculum and Early Years Foundation Stage so that if a child is not making the progress that we would expect them to in a particular area of learning we can identify and implement the additional support required. This will also be discussed with parents and the child. All teachers will differentiate work for all their pupils according to their individual level of need. Teachers will modify and adapt resources, activities and environmental factors to enable all pupils to access the curriculum, regardless of the nature of their educational needs.
Children in the Foundation Stage may be screened using the Boxall Profile (provides a framework for the precise assessment of children who have social, emotional and behavioural difficulties). It helps teachers to plan focused interventions for those children whose anxiety-provoking behaviour is difficult to understand and helps to identify what lies behind the behaviour. We also use a screening tool for some children with whom we have concerns for their speech or language skills and a reading screening programme which helps to identify specific areas of reading which individual children may find challenging. The results from these screening tools help staff to plan specific interventions to support children’s next learning steps.
Intervention could be triggered by concern from the teachers, parents or others, underpinned by evidence about a child who, despite receiving differentiated learning opportunities:
- makes little or no progress, even when teaching approaches are targeted particularly in a child’s identified area of weakness
- shows signs of difficulty in developing literacy or mathematics skills, which result in poor attainment in some curriculum areas
- presents persistent emotional or behavioural difficulties which are not improved by the behaviour management techniques usually employed in the school impacting on learning
- has sensory or physical problems, and continues to make little or no progress, despite the provision of specialist equipment
- has communication and/or interaction difficulties and continues to make little or no progress, despite the provision of a differentiated curriculum.
What do I do if I think my child has special educational needs?
At Horndean Infants we strongly believe in working in close partnership with parents/carers and their children. Parents/carers have unique strengths, knowledge and experience to contribute to the shared view of their child’s needs and the best way to support them. Parents are encouraged to confidentially share any concerns they have about their child’s development and progress. There is an open door policy at the School. If a parent has a concern regarding the well-being or progress of their child they can in the first instance speak to the child’s class teacher to discuss the concerns who will direct you to the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo) Mrs Buckley if this is needed.
Our school’s approach to teaching children with SEN and Disabilities
How will the School staff support my child?
To ensure that every child with special educational needs receives the correct amount and type of support, the following graduation approach is in place:
At this stage, the Teacher has identified a low-level need in a specific area (e.g. literacy). Sometimes we would describe a child at this stage as needing a “boost”, which may be as simple as being heard read more in school and at home.
The child will receive support and monitoring within normal classroom activities and will not need individual targets. Alternatively, the child might be invited to receive 1:1 support from a Teacher or LSA during the school day. Children at the EI stage are supported in class groups by the Teacher or LSA, and sometimes by parent helpers.
How will I know?
Your child’s Teacher may ask you to come in at an early stage to discuss your child’s progress. However, it is more likely they will discuss this with you during the usual course of parent meetings. The Teacher will probably not even mention “Early Intervention”, as it is more useful for you to be aware of your child’s needs, rather than be baffled by terminology! The Teacher will tell you what is being done in school and is likely to offer suggestions as to how you can help at home.
“What if my child makes progress?”
GREAT! This boost has been enough to set your child back on track. The Teacher will continue to monitor the progress, and will put intervention in place again if needed.
“What happens if they don’t progress?”
If your child is not making the expected progress, or the area of need becomes greater, the Teacher may discuss the next step with the SENDCo and move them onto the next level of support, which is…
Children who are experiencing significant and on-going difficulties with one or more areas of their education, (despite the “boosting” support given at the EI stage), will move onto further levels of support. Your child may have a Special Needs Individual Plan (SNIP) drawn up for them by their Teacher and LSA, which will consist of two or three small targets to work towards. Each Teacher arranges their own timetable for support, but your child will receive support in the form of a small focused group, one to one (when available), as well as many other opportunities to work on their area of need.
“How will I know?”
If your child requires an Individual Plan (SNIP), the Teacher will ask you to come into school and share it as soon as it has been written. Your child will be involved as much as possible in the writing of the SNIP so it is in a ‘child friendly format’. You will be invited to come and discuss your child’s SNIP and progress each term. Your opinions are most welcome and will always be taken into account. You will be given a copy of the SNIP to keep at home and refer to, and the Teacher will give suggestions of how you can support your child at home.
“What happens if my child makes progress?”
FANTASTIC! After a period of time, the Teacher may decide that your child is now making the expected progress, and will move them to the previous level – EI, where they will continue to be monitored at a much lower level.
“What happens if they don’t progress?”
You will already be aware of your child’s difficulties, and there may come a point where they will require specialist support and advice to meet their needs, either in the short or long term. This will take them onto the next level of support which would probably involve external agencies.
A child who is still not making expected progress, despite a SNIP and extra support, will require specialist support from an external agency (for example the local Educational Psychologist). At this stage, you will be asked to come and discuss the right type of specialist support that your child requires, and the Teacher and/or SENDCo may be present at this meeting. Many children who really struggle with their education or behaviour benefit highly from the expert advice and support given by various specialists. You will always be invited to come and discuss the options with the Teacher and SENDCo, and we never proceed without your full consent. We feel confident that you will feel more comfortable and positive about specialist support once you have the chance to discuss and ask questions.
In a few circumstances, a child’s needs may be severe and ongoing and they may require the assistance and guidance of the Local Authority to assess their needs more formally. Parental involvement at this stage is very important and full guidance will be given from the SENDCo at every stage of this procedure.
School and Parent Partnership
How will both the School and I know how my child is doing and how will the School help me to support my child’s learning?
You will be kept informed of your child’s needs, support and progress through two parent consultations which are usually held in October (Terms 2) and March (Term 4). A report is issued annually in July (Term 6). For further information, the SENDCo is available to discuss support in more detail. Alongside these formal meetings, you will be sent home targets every half term or term so that you know what your child is working on and how they are progressing throughout the year. This will ensure that children make progress and achieve.
We have an open door policy where you are welcome any time to make an appointment to meet with either the teacher or SENDCo and discuss how your child is getting on. We can offer advice and practical ways that you can help your child at home. Your child’s class teacher is available at the end of the day if you want to have an informal chat but if you require a more detailed conversation please make an appointment via the school office.
Some children will be given a link book between home and school in which messages can be exchanged between adults working with your child in school and yourself.
We believe that your child’s education should be a partnership between parents and teachers, therefore we aim to keep communication channels open and communicate regularly, especially if your child has complex needs.
If your child has complex special educational needs they may have a Statement of SEN or an Education Health Care Plan (EHC Plan) which means a formal Annual Review will take place to discuss your child’s progress and a report will be written.
Children identified as having SEN will have a SNIP which targets the particular area where they require ‘additional to or different from’ support. The pupil and parent/carer will have full involvement in the setting and reviewing of these targets. Where appropriate, pupils will be given group targets. The targets will be worked towards, and reviewed regularly, with the pupil, Teacher/LSA and parent/carer. Parents are regularly kept informed of the intervention strategies being implemented with their child and are invited to discuss any issues or concerns with the Teacher/SENDCo informally, at any time. Review meetings are held once a term and parents are invited to come and have a more formal discussion on these occasions. Those pupils identified with additional special needs will receive support in one or more of the following ways:-
- LSA support
- Differentiated work, modified timetable and environment
- A specific intervention program
- Ideas for home support activities
How school explains how learning is planned and how parent/carers help to support this outside of school?
You will be kept informed about your child’s progress and their support in the following ways:
- The class teacher will have overall responsibility for the planning and teaching of the curriculum for all children which is monitored by senior leaders throughout the School.
- An overview of the topic will be sent out to parents every half term. Information on what your child is currently learning can be found on the school website.
- Should your child require additional support they may be included in a focus group. This may be run by the class teacher or a learning support assistant and this will take place within the classroom wherever possible. Sometimes it may be necessary for your child to work out of the classroom in a quiet area close by.
- Specific planned interventions may be provided for your child in consultation with a member of the Senior Leadership Team or SENDCo. Interventions for children with additional needs pupils are often recorded on a Year group Intervention tracker.
- Occasionally a child or family may need more specialist support from an outside agency. If a referral to an external agency is recommended, the forms will be completed in conjunction with parents/carers and then sent on to the relevant agency. Referrals may be recommended when a high level of support has been sustained by the school over a period of time although in some cases specialist advice may be sought immediately due to the nature of the concern e.g. a child with significant speech and language difficulties.
The Provision for children with Special Educational Needs
How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?
All children are entitled to quality first teaching adapted to children’s individual needs to enable them to access the curriculum
Class teachers and/or teaching assistants may be allocated to work with your child 1-1 or in a small group to target more specific needs.
If appropriate, specialist equipment may be provided for your child e.g. writing slopes, pen/pencil grips or spring loaded scissors.
How the school adapts the curriculum and learning environment for pupils with SEN
The SEN Budget is allocated each financial year to support additional needs throughout the school. The money is used to provide additional resources or support, dependent on need. Support for individual children would be decided upon after discussion at Senior Leadership Team level and the most appropriately qualified member of staff will be allocated to run the support sessions.
Individual Pupil Premium Payments are used to support individuals within this category and the fund is managed by the Head Teacher.
Specialist advice/support may be bought in to support individual children.
How is the decision made about what type of and how much support my child will receive?
We offer a full range of support and decisions about appropriate support are made in partnership between the SENDCo, Class Teacher, appropriate external agencies and partnership with parents.
When children first join the School, additional support is allocated according to the information provided by the previous school for pupils with Special Educational Needs. The class teachers will then carefully monitor progress and consult with the Headteacher at pupil progress meetings.
During their school life, if further concerns are identified due to the pupil’s lack of progress or well-being, the class teacher, together with the SENDCo, will adjust the level of support accordingly and this is communicated to parents.
Support available for improving emotional and social development of pupils with special educational needs
The school offers high levels of LSA support to ensure each child has a high level of pastoral, medical and social support. There are clear policies about administering medicines and providing personal care to children and all staff are trained to do this.
The school has a robust Child Protection Policy and three fully trained Designated Safeguarding Lead Officers (DSLO).
We have clear guidelines for behaviour and have high behaviour expectations for all our children. Individual children may have appropriate targets on their SNIPS to help them, and their parents, understand their part in keeping our school community a safe place to be. We have the support of outside agencies such as our Educational Psychologist and the Behaviour Support Team, where needed.
We believe all children have the right to contribute to the development of our school regardless of any additional needs.
What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?
The School offers a variety of support for all pupils including those who may be experiencing emotional difficulties. These may include:
- Opportunities for children to talk with members of staff such as Head Teacher, Teachers, LSAs or Lunchtime Leaders if they have any concerns they wish to discuss. Support from external agencies may be provided if deemed appropriate.
- Some pupils may be targeted in the morning and be given ’time to talk’ with a known Teacher or LSA.
- Some pupils may be chosen to be part of a social skills group run by an experienced teaching assistant.
- Some pupils may be offered TALA (Therapeutic Active Listening Assistant).
- Some pupils may be offered support from the ELSA.
- Details of a child’s medical need(s) are kept on a class register by the School Office. These are shared with the staff who are involved. In some cases, a detailed care plan will be drawn up by the Home School Support Worker.
- Where necessary and in agreement with parents/carers, medicines are administered in school but only when a letter of authorisation is in place. This is to ensure the safety of both child and staff member.
Equipment and facilities to support children with special educational needs
How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips?
Activities and school trips are available to all. We believe in being fully inclusive and make reasonable adjustments to ensure this is the case for activities outside the school classroom, including school trips.
Risk assessments are carried out and procedures put in place to enable all children to participate.
If a health and safety risk assessment suggests that an intensive level of 1-1 support is required, a parent or carer may also be asked to accompany their child during the activity in addition to the usual staff.
We have a range of school clubs for the children run by external providers. Staff are briefed about the individual needs of each child so they can take part. Inclusion in the school clubs remains the decision of the external provider.
Parents who have children with additional needs are able to take part in the planning for trips by liaising with their Teacher and SENDCo.
The governing body is committed to having a high level of support from LSAs to ensure children are well catered for at all times in the school day, including lunchtimes and breaks.
How accessible is the school environment?
As a school we are happy to discuss individual access requirements and make reasonable adjustments to meet these needs. We have an up to date Accessibility Plan. We work with outside agencies to resource any extra provision needed for individual children. Families are complete partners in the ensuring that their children are fully included.
Facilities at present include:-
- Ramps into school to make the building accessible to all.
- Disabled toilet.
- Wide doors in some parts of the building
- A parking space designated for the disabled when the need occurs
- Blinds on the windows to reduce glare
Our staff expertise and training
What training is provided for staff supporting children with SEN in our School?
We believe all staff are teachers of children with SEN and disabilities, so all members of staff are trained to teach children with SEN and disabilities and we provide a full range of training on induction. Our LSAs are trained to deliver appropriate intervention programmes. One of our SEN Assistants specialises in speech and language and a further two LSAs have training in delivering speech and language programmes in consultation with the Speech and Language Therapist. A member of staff is trained in FEIPS (Framework for Enhanced Individual Pastoral Support) and another is a trained ELSA.
The school believes in planning strategically and, prior to admission, Transition Partnership Agreements (TPA) or informal transition meetings are held and the school liaises with parents and local pre-schools to determine what provision is needed for each child and any training gaps that need to be filled to meet the child’s needs.
All staff have annual child protection training. The SENDCo is in the process of achieving her National Accreditation Award for SENDCOs, is the Designated Teacher for Looked After Children (LAC) and one of the Designated Safeguarding Leads. Staff receive access to regular training related to special educational needs. Most recent training includes literacy, pastoral support, understanding behaviour. The School also has links with Primary Behaviour Service and Riverside Special School Outreach Team who offer advice on resources and support programmes. Two LSAs have been trained to deliver FFT Wave 3 intervention (for reading/writing). Some of our staff have an awareness of using basic Sign Language skills. We have some staff who have received training to work with children with physical disabilities. All staff have received training about Attachment needs and trauma.
All staff have regular in-house training to keep them up to date with current practices and procedures. The SENDCo also attends the local authority’s SENDCo network meetings in order to keep up to date with local and national updates.
What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the School?
At times it may be necessary to consult with external agencies to receive their more specialised advice. These may include:-
- Outreach Services
- Child Protection Advisors
- Behaviour Support Service
- Educational Psychologist
- CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service)
- Specialist Teacher Advisory Service
- Family Support Service and Social Services
- Children’s Therapy Team (Speech and Language/Occupational Therapy/Physiotherapy)
- School Nurse
- Ethnic Minorities and Traveller Advisory Service (EMTAS)
Consulting and involving parents
Partnership with parents and carers is key to everything we do. This starts before the children even start at our school with a range of induction events. We offer visits for prospective parents, with twice yearly formal parent consultations, Special Needs Individual Plan (SNIP) meetings, annual formal reports, workshops on the curriculum and open days. We also pride ourselves on our open door policy, and parents are welcome to discuss their child’s needs at any time with their Class Teacher or other key staff.
All parents are encouraged to contribute to their child’s education. This may be through:
- Discussion with the child’s class teacher.
- During parent consultations.
- Through meeting with the SENDCo or other professionals.
- Parents of children with a Statement of SEN (or an EHCP) will be asked to make a contribution of their views regarding their child’s progress, provision and targets for the near future within the Annual Review process.
What steps should I take if I have a concern about the school’s SEND provision?
We have a proactive approach to solving complaints and parents are always welcome to share their concerns at any time with their Class Teacher, SENDCo or Headteacher.
All concerns are taken seriously by the school. We also have a formal complaints policy which can be accessed on our website or in hard copy from the school office. This clearly outlines what to do and key people to contact, including the Governing Body.
Consulting and involving children
We have a School Council who contribute views for whole school issues. Our SNIPs are child friendly and shared with the relevant children, who contribute their views and opinions. Children are also asked for their views for statutory assessment, annual reviews and Transition Partnership Agreements (see link for information Children may also be asked for their views and opinions about school in one to one meetings with the SENDCo.
Supporting pupils with SEN in transferring to other schools
The transfer of children between settings is managed through a well-planned programme of visits for children and their parents, sharing of information between staff and formal TPA meetings, as appropriate. Children can have as many visits as they need to make transition a process, not an event.
Horndean Infant School understands that moving school or provision can be quite a challenging time for some pupils and puts a number of strategies in place to make the transition as smooth as possible. These include:
- Meetings between pre-school settings and School.
- Early Years Coordinator makes visits to our main pre-school feeders.
- Additional visits can be arranged for individual families of pupils with Special or Additional Educational Needs as well as the schools usual induction procedures.
- We are also firmly committed to aiding pupils’ transitions between classes within the School and transition booklets may be produced for some pupils to help reduce anxiety.
- A Transition Programme operates between Horndean Infant School and their main receiving Junior School. Arrangements are made with any other local Junior provision when it is deemed necessary. These may include tours for pupils, induction morning or afternoon sessions, transition books, tours for individual families, meetings with the receiving SENDCo and staff visits.
Contacts for further information
If you wish to discuss your child’s education further or are unhappy with something regarding your child’s schooling please contact:-
- Firstly your child’s class teacher
- Mrs Elisa Buckley – SENCo (02392 593453)
- Mr Ben Frank- Head Teacher or Mrs Maria Gleed (Deputy)
- Mrs Karen Sherwood – SEN Governor
Further Information about services for my child
This document fully outlines our school’s commitment and responsibility for contributing to Hampshire County Council’s local offer. Their local offer can be found on the following link